Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Its been a long time since i stopped blogging.
Actually there's nothing to write about, so i stopped.
This year is my 1st year studying in ITE.
Its a good school i guess. Its only about the course which i don't like.
I'm studying in Electronics which i don't even like that course at all. Full of maths questions in that course. I hope i can get a good course next intake or maybe carry on with Electronics if i can cope.
I made alot of new friends, but i still miss my secondary school friends.
The days we're together, having fun, qurreling, fighting...
Anyway, Good luck to everybody out there,
Make your choice correctly.
Qoute: Forgive and Forget,
There's nothing which can't be forgive.
Its in you to decide weather to forgive and let it go or not to.Blogged
@ 1:20 AM
Don't let me go -